Tom Brady steals the show at White House during Buccaneers Super Bowl celebration with President Biden

Tom Brady steals the show at White House during Buccaneers Super Bowl celebration with President Biden

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For the first time in 16 years, showed up at the White House for a Super Bowl celebration and it's a good thing he showed up, because he ended up stealing the show.Not only was the quarterback mentioned by name in Joe Biden's speech, but Brady also gave a speech of his own. The festivities for the team took place on the South Lawn of the White House, where Biden welcomed the Super Bowl champs with a short speech.During his talk, Biden made sure to point out how fitting it was that the oldest president ever elected was celebrating the oldest coach and oldest quarterback to ever win a Super Bowl."A lot was made about the fact that we have the oldest coach ever to win a Super Bowl and the ," Biden said. "Well, I'll tell you right now, you won't hear any jokes about that Isaac Bruce Jersey from me. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing wrong with being the oldest guy to make it to the mountaintop." Brady wasn't the only one to get a shout-out from the president. Biden also mentioned by name and that's mainly because the Buccaneers receiver was born in Pennsylvania and raised in Delaware, two things he has in common with Biden."Where I come from that's a heck of a combination," Biden said.As for Brady, he was the only player to give a speech and he made the most of it. If I'm interpreting this image correctly, Tom Brady is now the president Jerome Bettis Jersey John Breech (@johnbreech) The Buccaneers quarterback actually cracked a couple of political jokes, which was somewhat surprising, because he almost never says anything political. "Not a lot of people think that we could have won," Brady said. "In fact, I think about 40 percent of people still don't think we won. Do you understand that Mr. President?"After getting a laugh from the crowd, Brady came flying in with another joke."We had a game in Chicago where I forgot what down it was," Brady said. "I lost track of one down in 21 years of playing and they started calling me 'Sleepy Tom.' Why would they do that to me?"After getting the jokes off his chest, Brady then got serious and hinted that he'd like to be back at the White House next year after another Super Bowl win. "We're going to do everything we can to work to achieve another one of those Lombardi Trophies," Brady said. "It's different group of men, a different challenge, but we're excited for it. We're not going to throw the Super Bowl Trophy this time, but we're going to offer President Biden a jersey ."Brady and the Buccaneers then presented Biden with a white uniform that featured the No. 46. Tom Brady to Biden: "Not a lot of people think we could win, in fact, 40 percent, still don't think we won. You understand that, Mr. President?" Samantha-Jo Roth (@SamanthaJoRoth) The fact that Brady made the trip was notable, because he hadn't shown up for a Super Bowl celebration at the White House since 2005. Although Brady has won four Super Bowls Matt Gay Jersey since then, he didn't visit the White House after his past three wins. The NFL legend Super Bowl LI win with Donald Trump in April 2017. Brady was also a no-show for the 'that came two months after New England beat Seattle in Super Bowl XLIX. The Patriots didn't visit the White House after their 2018 win. Although Brady was in attendance this year, there did appear to be a few notable absences with , , and .As for the ceremony, which lasted le s than 15 minutes, you can see the entire thing below. Tune in as I welcome the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to the White House to honor the team for their Super Bowl LV Championship. President Biden (@POTUS)
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